
Apex Optics to Sponsor BCPRL Match at Heffley Creek

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2021

Calgary, Alta., CANADA – Calgary-based sport optics’ company, Apex Optics is proud to announce that it is sponsoring the BC Precision Rifle League Rimfire Match. The rimfire competition will take place on October 17, 2021, in Heffley Creek, B.C. The match is organised by the BC Precision Rifle League (BCPRL), which was founded in 2018 and has approximately 800 members. This is the third competition Apex Optics will sponsor this season. 

About Apex Optics

Founded in 2021, Apex Optics is the newest Canadian sporting optic company. They are based in Calgary, Alta., Canada, with manufacturing located in Japan. Apex Optics is a direct-to-consumer company selling exclusively through their website. Leveraging industry knowledge in design and testing, Apex Optics is made by shooters, for shooters.


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